Post dieta : stay and integrate after ayahuasca retreat or master plant dieta

Open Dates

Address: Psychonauta Foundation, Buen Retiro, Nauta, Peru

Contact: Tata Mundo

  • $400.00 – price for 4 days minimum stay ( lodging and food )

Whether it is about further connecting with like minded companions on the plant medicine path, or simply a quiet, sheltered, comfortable place in nature where you can gradually step out of the dieta, follow the dietary rules of post-dieta period, without hustle and overstimulation of the outside world, sit by the fire, meditate with monkeys and frogs, we have limited spare houses in Psychonauta Tribe. Equipped with private showers and connected to solar power electricity, you can even do your online work there.

This is offer both for guests on our dietas as well as those who completed their retreat in other centres.

Extra ceremonies are possible at additional fee.

Do not hesitate to contact to discuss any further details, doubts of questions. We can reply by message or schedule a call.